August 25, 2023

Redefining the Game

Rethinking AI Roadmaps & Go-To-Market Strategy

Executive Summary

Navigating market demands and ensuring timely product launches requires investing in the right use cases. With the rise of APIs, the landscape for testing partnerships and technologies has revolutionized, allowing for swift, efficient evaluations. A Proof of Value (POV) isn't merely a validation tool; it's a strategic compass, steering organizations towards sound technological investments. As businesses look beyond the traditional 'build or buy' agenda and consider partnering with best-of-breed technologies already in the market, a POV becomes instrumental in making confident, informed choices.

APIs Transforming Partnership Evaluation: The evolution of APIs has democratized access to technology, making it easier and quicker to assess potential partnerships and integrations without extensive commitments.  

  • Validating Partnerships & Concepts: A POV effectively assesses potential partners and new use cases, ensuring alignment with broader goals.
  • Embracing Best-of-Breed Technologies: In the realm beyond 'build or buy', a POV highlights the relevance of integrating with top-tier technologies already marking their presence in the market.
  • Why POV over POC?: Unlike the often conceptual level of POCs, POVs offer swift, value-driven assessments, emphasizing real-world benefits and alignment with business goals, often facilitated by modern API architectures.
  • Performance & Opportunity Analysis: Beyond technical validation, a POV evaluates the genuine business potential of a technology, discerning its real-world value.
  • Resource Allocation & Prioritization: Insights from a POV guide resource allocation, allowing for apt prioritization of use cases based on potential returns and strategic fit.
  • Proactive Risk Management: Recognizing challenges through a POV is beneficial, offering foresight to refine strategies and sidestep costly errors.

In essence, a POV, bolstered by the agility offered by modern APIs, shapes technological directions. It ensures alignment with overarching business objectives, fosters innovation, and provides a pragmatic approach to evaluating potential AI collaborations and use-case investments. By bridging the gap between technological aspirations and tangible business value, it empowers organizations to make informed decisions in the dynamic AI ecosystem.

Strategizing AI Integration: The Power of POVs in Evaluating Partnerships

As the AI ecosystem flourishes, businesses find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating whether to build their own solutions, purchase off-the-shelf products, or enter strategic partnerships. The persistent "build or buy" dilemma has been heightened in the AI era by an enticing third option—partnering. This naturally brings forth a critical question: Amid the burgeoning AI innovations, how can companies effectively distinguish true frontrunners and evaluate their potential as strategic AI partners? The solution is increasingly found in the accelerated method of Proof of Value (POV). In the current AI terrain, POVs not only offer a bridge between technological aspirations and tangible value but also act as a vital instrument to gauge and validate prospective AI collaborations.

Incorporating AI is now more than just harnessing the latest tech—it's about ensuring its alignment with the specific vision and objectives of a business. Strategic partnerships can provide such alignment, amalgamating the strengths of both entities. However, realizing this potential synergy necessitates the application of POVs. They offer a concrete avenue to sample collaborations prior to a complete commitment, ensuring that the AI solution and the essence of the partnership harmonize perfectly.

Why POV is More Relevant than Ever

In the swiftly changing realm of artificial intelligence, pinpointing the optimal solution tailored to unique needs can feel overwhelming. Amidst a plethora of technological propositions, POV stands out as an invaluable ally for decision-makers.

Assessing the Real-world Application: The AI market is booming with myriad offerings. A POV facilitates understanding how a particular solution translates to real-world contexts, moving beyond polished sales presentations.

Validating Business Justification: More than just a tech check, POV ensures that the proposed technology truly resonates with a business's distinctive aspirations, objectives, and limitations.

Proof of Value Defined

In today's technological milieu, POV operates as a pragmatic affirmation of a product's tangible benefits. Consider a firm evaluating a groundbreaking AI algorithm intended for high-frequency trading. Rather than diving headfirst into a full-scale deployment, they'd utilize a POV, applying the algorithm to a defined segment of live trading data. This streamlined process gauges the algorithm's predictive prowess and response time and spots potential scalability or integration hurdles. A POV does not require recreating intricate client environments, and it focuses on use cases that other technical means cannot achieve. As such, a POV emerges as a crucial precursor, offering realistic insight into the prospective real-world advantages and complexities of a solution before a comprehensive rollout.

Distinguishing Between POC and POV: A Dive into Speed and Business Value

In the face of ever-advancing technological innovations, businesses frequently reach pivotal moments when assessing potential solutions or products. At this critical point, two dominant methodologies rise to the forefront: Proof of Concept (POC) and Proof of Value (POV). Though they might appear alike and are occasionally mistaken for one another, their methodology, pace, and primary objectives stand distinct, providing invaluable perspectives for decision-makers.

Defining POC and POV

Proof of Concept (POC):

  • Nature: An early evaluation of whether a concept or idea solves a problem and provides scalability in small-scale environments designed to replicate real-life client scenarios.
  • Goal: To demonstrate the product's capability to address specific use cases and pain points and to fulfil mutually agreed success criteria before starting a production-ready implementation.

Proof of Value (POV):

  • Nature: An evaluation based on an existing product's tangible value in a particular controlled environment.
  • Goal: Showcase the product’s ability to seamlessly solve client use cases in ways that other technical solutions cannot.
Speed & Efficiency

The distinct advantages of POVs are their swiftness and simplicity without scarifying on product maturity level and replicability in a production setup. As organizations aim for efficiency, the POV process stands out for its streamlined approach, focusing on real-world benefits but with a smaller risk than a full implementation. This efficiency resonates with decision-makers, who might be more inclined towards business outcomes than a deep technical evaluation.

Business Implications

In terms of commercial considerations, POVs offer a clear picture. They directly underscore the potential return on investment (ROI), aligning perfectly with a company's overarching objectives. Moreover, with conversational intelligence tools like Versational, businesses can enhance their POV and POC evaluations by understanding buyer signals, aligning sales conversations, and ensuring product differentiation.


In an era where technological advancements are increasingly user-centric and integrable via APIs, the traditional complexities of setting up evaluations have reduced. The POV, with its streamlined approach, leverages this new paradigm. While POC offers conceptual and early-stage evaluation metrics, the POV, backed by the simplicity and power of modern interfaces, allows businesses to rapidly assess value propositions without the overheads of resource-intensive setups. This is particularly beneficial for agile businesses that need to make swift decisions. In essence, while POC is more on a conceptual level, POV delivers rapid clarity on real-world value. The most suitable method depends on the product's nature, customer priorities, and the specific goals of the evaluation. With technological evaluations becoming more accessible, businesses can make more informed decisions faster, reaping the benefits of innovation without delay.

Risk Mitigation, The Inherent Benefits of POVs in Technology Adoption

Navigating the world of technological advancement often means venturing into uncharted waters. With risks at every turn, from financial investment to operational disruption, businesses need a compass to guide their decisions. This is where the benefits of a POV shine through, illuminating the path to safer technology adoption.

  • Technology Certifications - A Seal of Trust: In today's dynamic technological landscape, certifications such as ISO and ISAE stand as markers of reliability. They testify to an entity's unwavering dedication to quality, safety, and excellence. By partnering with certified providers, businesses are collaborating with verified experts, minimizing adoption risks.
  • A Financial Perspective: The upfront costs of adopting new technology can be substantial, especially for large enterprises or those operating on slim margins. A POV can serve as a relatively low-cost experiment that, if successful, justifies the fuller investment.
  • Operational Stability: Introducing a new system or technology can disrupt existing workflows. With a POV, potential operational hiccups can be identified and addressed in a controlled environment, ensuring smoother integration in the long run.

Ensuring Stakeholder Buy-in

At the heart of every business decision lies the collective consensus of its stakeholders. Whether it's the top-level executives evaluating the ROI or the core teams who'll be working hands-on with new technologies, securing their buy-in is paramount. A well-executed POV serves as the bridge, translating technological potential into relatable outcomes and fostering a sense of ownership and confidence among all involved.

  • Convincing the C-Suite: Executives often require tangible evidence before greenlighting an investment. A successful POV can provide the hard data and real-world results that can sway even the most skeptical of stakeholders.
  • Team Adoption: For any new technology or process, team adoption is crucial. POVs allow teams to familiarize themselves with new systems, provide feedback, and become advocates for its full-scale adoption.

Iterative Development and Feedback Loop

In the dynamic realm of technological development, adaptability and responsiveness are key. Rather than adhering rigidly to a preset blueprint, modern companies value the agility to refine and evolve as they move forward. Through the process of iterative development, businesses and technology providers collaborate in a dance of constant feedback and recalibration. This process, fueled by POV´s not only optimizes solutions but also ensures that they are perfectly aligned with client needs and objectives.

  • Rapid Prototyping: POVs enable companies to test various configurations or models of a solution to find the optimal fit for their needs. This iterative approach ensures that the final deployed solution is as effective as possible.
  • Building a Feedback-rich Environment: With POVs, businesses can gather continuous feedback. This helps technology providers tailor their solutions even further to client needs.

Building Future Roadmaps

Navigating market demands and ensuring timely product launches requires investing in the right use cases. A POV isn't merely a validation tool; it's a strategic compass, steering organizations towards sound technological investments.

  • Validating Partnerships & Concepts: A POV effectively assesses potential partners and new use cases, ensuring alignment with broader goals.
  • Setting the Stage for Expansion: A successful POV often lays the groundwork for broader technological adoption or the integration of additional features in the future.
  • Performance & Opportunity Analysis: Beyond technical validation, a POV evaluates the genuine business potential of a technology, discerning its real-world value.
  • Resource Allocation & Prioritization: Insights from a POV guide resource allocation, allowing for apt prioritization of use cases based on potential returns and strategic fit.
  • Proactive Risk Management: Recognizing challenges through a POV is beneficial, offering foresight to refine strategies and sidestep costly errors.

In essence, a POV shapes technological directions, ensuring alignment with overarching business objectives and fostering innovation.

The Power of Open APIs in POVs

As businesses traverse the complex terrain of technological adoption, the need for tools that simplify and streamline processes is undeniable. Standing at the forefront of this simplification wave are Open APIs. These powerful interfaces are rewriting the rules of how businesses test, validate, and integrate AI solutions, and they've become a game-changer in the POV domain. By eradicating traditional barriers and cutting down on tedious processes, they’re enabling businesses to harness technology's potential with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

Open APIs have revolutionized the POV process. Instead of lengthy integrations and compatibility checks, open APIs offer plug-and-play capabilities. This means potential clients can quickly and seamlessly test out the AI capabilities, accelerating the decision-making process. In today's fast-paced digital age, such agility is not just desired; it's imperative.

Kaunt's Simplified POV Framework

At Kaunt, we understand the apprehensions and uncertainties businesses might have in the AI ecosystem. That's why we've streamlined the POV process into six straightforward steps, ensuring it's swift, comprehensive, and with minimal effort on the client's side.

  1. Prepare for Evaluation: Understand the scope, set clear objectives, and decide on the metrics to measure success.
  1. Access to Data: Gather all relevant data. Data is the lifeblood of AI, and its quality and quantity can make or break the POV's success.
  1. Data Mapping: Map your data to our open API. Our detailed documentation at ensures a smooth transition.
  1. Create Data Set: Partition your data into training and testing sets to ensure an unbiased evaluation of the AI's performance.
  1. Run the Test: Let the AI model train and provide predictions based on the data set.
  1. Evaluating the Results:
  • Performance Metrics: Analyze the AI's output in terms of its accuracy, reliability, and alignment with your business objectives.
  • Business Case Perspective:
  • Pricing Analysis: Assess the cost-effectiveness of implementing the AI solution in real-world scenarios against potential returns.
  • Value Creation for Customers: Understand how the AI solution adds tangible value to the end-users, enhancing their experience or solving pain points effectively.
  • Go-to-market Strategy: Consider how the AI can be integrated into your existing market strategy or if a new approach would be more beneficial. This involves understanding market dynamics, potential competition, and the ideal customer segments to target.

We have adopted an API-first strategy to make it easy for businesses to conduct POVs with our technology. Our open API and documentation make it simple to connect our AI solution to your data and get started with a POV. We also provide detailed documentation at to make it easy to get started.

A POV with Kaunt can be conducted within one week with as little as 1-2 days of effort on the part of the potential customer. The customer simply needs to map their invoice data to our API, and we will take care of the rest.

We go beyond just the methodical POV process. Transparency is a hallmark of our approach. Post-POV assessment, we provide potential partners with an intricate technology performance report. This not only encompasses the results but also delves deep into mapping the AI's capabilities against the business's distinct needs. We also outline a clear business case, showcasing potential ROI and strategic leverage points, thus empowering decision-makers to navigate the choice to build, buy, or collaborate.

We believe that our simplified POV framework is state-of-the-art. It is quick, easy, and comprehensive, and it allows businesses to get the most out of our AI technology to help them make informed decisions about AI technology.

Navigating a Successful POV Evaluation

A POV serves as a pivotal mechanism for illustrating the real-world benefits and utility of a solution. Merging technical assessment with anticipated business value, a POV ensures that a product's capabilities align seamlessly with the customer's specified business outcomes. Typically conducted over 1 to 8 weeks, the process is often shepherded by Solution Architects.

However, it's paramount to distinguish a POV from other evaluations—it's neither a full-blown production nor a rudimentary feature test. When managed effectively, a POV leverages structured collaboration frameworks to optimize interactions between the offering entity and the customer.

For consistent monitoring and evaluation, a POV should be systematically tracked using tools like e.g. CRM platforms. Solution Architects should remain vigilant about the number of concurrent POVs they oversee to ensure undivided attention and optimal results. Key stakeholders in a POV encompass the customer's executive and technical contacts, alongside an Account Executive, Solutions Architect, and occasionally a Customer Success Manager from the offering entity. Before diving into a POV, certain prerequisites, including the readiness of the customer's infrastructure, appropriate permissions, and well-defined objectives, are indispensable.


In the fast-evolving landscape of AI, amidst the cacophony of promises and potentials, discernment isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity. With the AI ecosystem booming at an unprecedented rate, businesses are navigating uncharted waters where the age-old question of 'build or buy' no longer suffices. Instead, the rapid progression of cloud-based technologies and the dynamic capabilities of modern APIs have introduced a third, highly feasible option—partnering.

A POV emerges as a crucial tool in this context, providing clarity in the haze of technological abundance. It serves not only as a mechanism to test potential solutions but as a guidepost, directing businesses to align technological aspirations with tangible results.  

Furthermore, the agility offered by contemporary APIs is nothing short of revolutionary. These interfaces, symbiotic with cloud technologies, empower businesses to be nimble, ensuring they remain responsive to the rapidly shifting market demands. As consumers and industries increasingly yearn for intelligent, disruptive solutions, the time-to-market becomes a critical factor. Here, partnering, facilitated by open APIs, becomes the optimal path to harnessing innovation without the often overwhelming overheads of development from scratch.

In this intersection of technological progress and market needs, it's not just about finding a solution provider—it's about discovering a trusted partner. By harnessing the power of flexible APIs, the assurance of established certifications, and the concrete validation through a thorough POV, businesses can do more than just adapt to the AI wave; they can be at its forefront. In this rapidly advancing AI epoch, as new potentials unveil each day, a robust POV serves as a guiding light, directing businesses towards decisions that are informed, strategic, and truly transformative.

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