August 8, 2023
Digital transformation

Navigating the AI Revolution

The following article provides a concise exploration of the 'State of AI 2023' report from McKinsey, focusing particularly on Autonomous Agents. Authored by Mads Kalør, CTO of Kaunt, this piece offers a distilled summary of the report, integrated with insights from the practical application of AI. As Kaunt continues to innovate within AI, it offers a unique perspective on the rapidly evolving landscape of this technology.

As per the latest findings from McKinsey’s global survey on AI, a rising wave of generative AI (gen AI) adoption is sweeping across high-performing organizations. Recognizing the power of AI, leading companies are incorporating this technology to unlock efficiencies, improve productivity, and gain a competitive edge.

At the forefront of the transformation is Kaunt, a pioneer in the field of AI since 2009. Kaunt has developed an autonomous agent that harnesses data to fully automate the process of coding invoices. This autonomous agent is a state-of-the-art AI system that makes decisions and interacts with its environment without requiring human intervention. By eliminating the need for human involvement, Kaunt not only increases process speed in accounts payable but also significantly reduces costs and improves data quality.

"High performers are particularly strong in staying focused on value, and then rewiring their organization to capture that value."

Bryce Hall, Associate Partner at McKinsey

"Users can be nearly anyone, and they won’t need data science degrees or machine learning expertise to be effective."

Lareina Yee, Senior Partner at McKinsey, says

This is precisely where Kaunt steps in. By integrating our AI solution into existing finance stacks via an open API, we bring the transformative power of autonomous agents to enterprises without disrupting existing workflows.  Our autonomous agent can be implemented without major IT projects or specialized skills. By remaining in the systems and UI they know, users can leverage AI's capabilities without undergoing a steep learning curve.

The Potential of Non-Generative AI and its Evolution to Autonomous Agents

McKinsey Partner, Michael Chui, makes an important observation about the broader Artificial Intelligence (AI) world, noting that the value potential of non-generative AI can surpass that of generative AI. Non-generative AI's vast range of applications such as improving forecasting accuracy, optimizing logistics networks, and suggesting the next product to buy, are increasingly being leveraged by organizations worldwide. As such, the investment in AI technologies continues to rise, with a reported 55 percent adoption rate.

Non-generative AI systems can analyze existing data and make informed decisions based on that analysis. For instance, in the logistics sector, non-generative AI can help optimize routes, track inventory, predict demand, and streamline supply chain processes. In retail, AI can analyze customer behavior and purchase history to recommend products they're likely to buy next, enhancing customer experience and boosting sales.

As AI continues to evolve, one of the most promising developments is the rise of autonomous agents, which could be seen as an advanced form of non-generative AI. These are independent software programs that make informed decisions, interact with their environment, and learn from past experiences, thereby enhancing their performance over time.

Understanding Autonomous Agents: A Brief Overview

Autonomous agents, an evolution in artificial intelligence and machine learning, are independent software programs that perform tasks using algorithms. These agents interact with their surroundings, make decisions, and learn from past experiences, continuously improving their performance over time.

For instance, consider an autonomous agent within an accounts payable system. This agent can interpret an invoice, cross-verify it against the relevant purchase order, and if valid, process the payment without human intervention.

Notably, autonomous agents adapt to changes in market conditions, regulations, or business processes. Additionally, they play a significant role in real-time decision making, providing critical insights that influence business strategies. In short, autonomous agents, with their learning and adaptive abilities, are reshaping the automation landscape, especially in fields like accounts payable.

Autonomous Agent accessible, Right Now

Contrary to popular belief, AI is not a distant dream or an elusive concept. For ambitious CFOs and their organizations, AI is accessible right here, right now. Within just 24 hours of training an algorithm, Kaunt’s autonomous agent can perform real-time invoice coding. This speed and efficiency underscore the immediate applicability and transformative potential of AI in today's business landscape.

Our approach echoes Michael Chui's, Partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, observation:

"More than two-thirds of respondents say their companies plan on increasing their investments in AI."

By making AI easy to adopt, Kaunt enables organizations to not just plan but act on these investment intentions.

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, the path to becoming an AI high performer is no longer a winding journey, but a clear, straightforward road facilitated by autonomous agents like Kaunt's. By democratizing access to cutting-edge AI technology, we're turning McKinsey's research insights into tangible reality for organizations around the globe.

If your organization is ready to leverage the power of autonomous agents, feel free to book a call with our AI experts.

To gain an in-depth understanding of how these self-governing agents are automating financial processes and driving efficiency, we invite you to read this article: Automating Accounts Payable with Autonomous Agents.

Link to McKinsey’s State of AI 2023 report

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